
The organisation’s Social Responsibility policy is based on respect for fundamental human rights in general and staff rights in particular.
The main purpose of the S.C. DATSA TEXTIL S.R.L. Social Responsibility Policy is the compliance commitment:

  • ensuring compliance with all the requirements of the SA8000 standard;
  • ensuring compliance with national legislation, other applicable regulations and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes;
  • compliance with the principles of international reference instruments from the SA 8000 standard and their interpretation.

This policy is focused on achieving the following objectives:

  • the organisation does not practice or encourage the use of child labor and will undertake actions for the rehabilitation of children and to facilitate the education of children and young workers;
  • the organisation does not practice or encourage the use of forced or compulsory labor;
  • the organisation ensures a healthy and safe working environment and takes effective measures to prevent potential incidents and work accidents or occupational diseases;
  • all staff have the right to form, join and organise trade unions as they wish and to negotiate collectively with the organisation;
  • the organisation does not practice or encourage discrimination in employment, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination of the employment contract or retirement on the basis of race, nationality or territorial or social origin, caste, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, trade union membership, political opinions, age or any conditions that may lead to discrimination;
  • the organisation treats all staff with dignity and respect;
  • the organisation complies with applicable legislation, the collective labor agreement and industry standards regarding working hours, breaks and public holidays;
  • the organisation respects the rights of employees to a decent wage and ensures that wages always meet at least legal requirements or collective labour agreements and are sufficient to cover the basic needs of the staff assuring a minimum additional income.

To continuously improve the best driving practices in S.C. DATSA TEXTIL S.R.L. top management is committed to developing and maintaining a Social Responsibility Management System in which:

  • periodically reviews its policy for the purpose of continuous improvement, taking into account changes in legislation and any other requirements applicable to the organisation;
  • ensure that the policy is effectively implemented, maintained, communicated and made accessible and available to all staff and external stakeholders.

The social performance team established in S.C. DATSA TEXTIL S.R.L. has the task of monitoring and ensuring the correct and effective implementation of the organisation’s Social Responsibility Management System.

S.C. DATSA TEXTIL S.R.L. aims to provide transparency and open communication in relations with stakeholders by:

  • publication of the company’s commitment regarding compliance with requirements in the field of social responsibility;
  • awareness of the interested parties regarding the requirements of the SA8000 standard;
  • stakeholder involvement to achieve sustainable compliance with the SA8000 standard;
  • involvement and support of the company’s management in the analysis and revision of the responsibility management system as a result of the monitoring of performance indicators.

Last update: 05.09.2023